Sting on the passing of David Bowie...

January 12, 2016

"Trudie and I were totally captivated by his energetic charm, his extraordinary music, his art and his unique spirit. We will never forget him." - Sting. To read more of Sting's memories of David Bowie check out this article in People magazine...


Dec 15, 2015

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016, Sting will perform at the Forest Opera in Sopot, Poland! Tickets will go on sale early to fan club members beginning tomorrow, December 16 at 10AM (local), with the general public on-sale beginning Friday, December 18 at 10AM (local). See you on the road!

Dec 15, 2015
They say it's practice, practice, practice that gets you to Carnegie Hall. But for Sting, it was a chance encounter with Britain's Queen Mother when he was 10 years old that gave him the ambition and drive he needed to reach that hallowed stage
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